Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Home Again

Locked in a glass box
Four walls closing in so fast
Suffocating stench burns in my lungs
Theres so much more for me to say
Yet these walls closing so fast
Force me away

Im going home again
Tail tucked between my legs
Im headed home again
No fear of failure can find me where i began

Ive taken all I can
Locked in a world so false to being sad
Run around fix and save the world
Taped hands so red it makes me mad

So im headed home again
Start over and find my way
No shame in home again
Failure is lost back where i began

Theres a window looking out
Its greater places have no doubt
Just stop and stand there looking out
Break those bonds through that window shout so loud

Since Ive headed home again
Back to the place where I began
I went home again
To start one more time
Back home again
Left failure where it beongs
Far from home again

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