Monday, July 23, 2007

Memories Fade Away

Reach up and hold on to this moment
Its not to lose in the Grace of Light
When memories fade away to nothing
Hold on and keep them tight

You see this craziness that surrounds you
All based on what they want
Its not for you to decide
What will happen for your night
And it can tear you all apart

So reach up and hold on to this moment
Soon the heaviness will force it all
From your heart it knows how much
You will fight despite the loss
Thats what happens when memories fade away
To a place filled with nothing
No matter how tight you hold its gone

Another lonely night surrounds her
It is by the choices she makes all day
Theres only so much she can take
But does not see roots of pain
They are all sad and hard choices gone astray
She cries but does not change them
No more can anyone say

Only she can hold on to her moments
She wont see the need to change
And only she can force these memories
Out from her clouded head
Now nothing has become something
They just tighten around her heart

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