Wednesday, September 26, 2007

God's Trap

I have fallen in to the same old trap
God tossed me in and held me down
No i cannot escape the web of lies
Laid out before me by my own mind
It was a trap of mistakes my lone heart made
Searching and finding another bed of lies

Good Things: Begininings and Endings

All good things must begin
Before they can end Dave
Seen looking beyond our horizons
We forget to make right
And begin with what is right in front of us
Good things need a begining
Or else good men never see them through

Center of Attention

Theres people in every direction
Every which way around me
And here i stand center of it all
wihtout knowing which way to go

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Between the Lines

I tiptoe between the lines
Heaven's lost me down in lies
Jumping over each one
Landing on unsolid ground

Push and pull between the lines
People pulling my boys pushing
All i hope is to tiptoe the lines
Of whats right and what must be done
Story of a solider burdened
By the goals of numerous sacrfices

Externity of Time

What can I do
What am I to do
With this empty emptiness
Filling me up inside
Tuck it in tuck it down
Bury it around
A hope hoplessly lost
To the externity of time

Blind Down the Streets

Riding through the streets
Can you be there too
Guide me through the mist
Blindly walking down the streets
In need for the one to hold my hand
Totally lost in me nothing
Can change how it has come to be

Broken Ties: My Shell and Normalcy

I can't shrink inside myself
Im too much of a presence
For my own good
Just want to break away
From a shell consumed
With defying my attempts
To eat myself away to normalcy

My Shallow Shadow

My Shallow Shadow
Hiding against the walls
My quiet shadow
Whispering it knows it all
A large body casting a shallow shadow
Remarkably small impact
In a place filled with needs
To save itself